Will Ray Haddad Share the SECRET Behind His Greatest Magic Trick? (Re: Ray Haddad: Fetal Amateur Magician to Half A Century of Experience as "Professional Magician")
(too old to reply)
2007-08-24 16:15:53 UTC
There you go again, annoying real folk with your fantasy world,
"I worked for Chuck Martinez Magicians' World in San Diego
at their Escondido shop (which I managed) in 1974-75 and was
paid at whatever the prevailing minimum wage was at the time."
-- Ray Haddad, San Diego Minimum Wage Store Clerk
Mr. Stan: "So, about that 1974 Hanoi bombing campaign.
You still swearing to that lie?
Ray Haddad: "Absolutely."
Mr. Stan: "Gosh, I can hardly wait. But, it seems your FOIA
request (bwah!) has fallen through the cracks.
It's been what? 3 months? 4 months? [...]
Couldn't be that you're -- what's the word? --
lying! That's it. Couldn't be that you're lying
again, could it? [...]"
Ray Haddad: "How childish you can be, Stan. The question is, will
you be adult enough to admit you were wrong
later? Probably not.
How childish you can be, Ray Haddad? The question is, are
you adult enough to admit you were LYING? Probably not.
Did it ever occur to you that a year is more than one day, Sylvia?

As I do not share your ineptness with words, Ray Haddad, I have never
found myself having to ponder that question. The fact that you'd even
wonder about that is odd in itself, but even more so in this instance
because there is nothing in my post about any time periods other than

1) "1974-1975", when you (now) claim to have been a part time "Navy
school" student living in California and working as a part time Minimum
Wage Store Clerk.

2) "3 months? 4 months?", the amount of time that had passed (when Mr.
Stan wrote his post) since you claimed to have sent a FOIA request to
the US Government for "proof" of your brag of having spent two months
late in 1974 bombing the innocent people of Hanoi almost two years after
the US was no longer at war with Vietnam.

3) Your two months of flying over Hanoi daily, dropping bombs on
innocent people late in 1974, which falls in the middle of the the
"1974-1975" time period during which you were a part time "Navy school"
student living in California and working as a part time Minimum Wage
Store Clerk weekdays:

"Yes, we were. We drew two months of combat pay and flew
over Hanoi and Haiphong Harbor daily for a few weeks.
We did bomb selected targets. USS Ranger air wing planes
were involved."

-- Ray Haddad, Stolen Valor Thief

4) Your "22 year military career", which directly contradicts many of
your claims of having spent that time *continuously* traveling around
the world, earning your living as a "professional" magician. For
instance, this one:

"I am an expert at magic. Like it or not, I have 40 years
of experience at performing continuously around the world."

-- Ray Haddad, in 2000 http://tinyurl.com/yoqsh6
Good grief, you can be stupid sometimes. No, correction. All the time.
Am I, Haddad? Well, golly, it *is* difficult to understand how you
managed to do all of the things you have claimed to have done--and here
we're just looking at a small part of your nearly half a century of
career time (I'm not counting the time preceding your advancement to
"professional" magician--your amateur magician years, which, according
to your military career claims, was somewhere between fetus and six
years old)... and only two of yer many full lifetime careers.

So, tell us, Ray Haddad, what *magic* trick did you use in order to
change your status from full time ("24/7") aircraft carrier sailor on a
ship assigned to the Western Pacific Ocean to part-time "Navy school
student" so that you could be free to work in California as a part time
Minimum Wage Store Clerk weekdays during 1974-1975 while at the very
same time spending every day for two months in the latter part of 1974
dropping bombs on innocent people, *and* doing all that while
"performing continuously around the world" as a "professional"
magician--the career you claim to have had since you were seven years

Oh, and you'd have to have changed your status back to full time
("24/7") aircraft carrier sailor on a ship assigned to the Western
Pacific Ocean in time to, as you claimed, have been back in Vietnam in
April 1975 to rescue people during the Fall of Saigon.


No, wait! You'd have had to have been back in SE Asia and Vietnam for a
few weeks during December 1974 first to, as you claimed, have toured
with Mr. Bob Hope's USO show, doing magic tricks--one of which was
entertaining all of those US troops in Vietnam who had actually left
once the US signed a peace treaty in January 1973. Just how did that
work, Haddad? Did Nixon order those troops, including the ones who were
no longer in the military back to Vietnam just to see your magic show?

Lots of excitement for someone who was only 23 year years old in 1974.
Especially one with a wife and five (5) children in 1974.

"Why did I work for minimum wage? Because I liked Chuck and
Mary Martinez (Chuck's mom) a whole lot and loved magic.
When Chuck asked, I responded and have never regretted
that action."

-- Ray Haddad http://tinyurl.com/23pbwd

Kinda irresponsible of you to drop a full time job in the military to
become a part-time student and part-time Minimum Wage Store Clerk when
ya had such a big family to support, Haddad. Obviously Mrs. Ray could
not have workin' outside the home much what with bein' pregnant most of
the time *and* havin' all them pre-schoolers, toddlers, and babies to
care for. Oh, wait! You were simultaneously "performing continuously
around the world" as a "professional" magician, too... in between
clerkin' at the magic shop, and bein' a student, and zippin' back to
Vietnam to entertain, drop bombs on, and rescue people. Not all the same
people, obviously...well, perhaps the first two categories... no, not
the same people. Do tell us the SECRET of this time-and-space-defying
trick, Haddad!

Entertain us, Mr. Magician.

In Ray Haddad's Land of Fantasy:

"I volunteered to work in the USO shows during my
Christmas holiday leave, Sylvia."

-- Ray Haddad http://tinyurl.com/2clkgf

Miz Sylvia: "So, Haddad, what was it like to tour Vietnam
with Mr. Bob Hope?"

Ray Haddad: "Only two cities in Vietnam. Guam, Midway,
Hawaii, the Philippines and a few of the larger
ships were on the schedule those years."

Miz Sylvia: "That's nice. So, Haddad, what was it like to
tour Vietnam with Mr. Bob Hope?"

Ray Haddad: "It was nice. Loved it."

Miz Sylvia: "Which years, exactly, were ya tourin' around
Vietnam with Mr. Bob Hope? IIRC, you only said
'the early 70's'. Shirley you'd remember such
wonderful experiences as those tours."

Ray Haddad: "I was there in 1972, 1973 and 1974. Oh, and by
the way, it wasn't a Vietnam show. Even you
should know that. Do you even know the real name
for it? Probably not. You're too much if a nitwit."

The Truth:

* The 1972 Bob Hope Christmas USO Tour traveled only to two (2) of
the six (6) places Ray Haddad claimed he entertained in with the tour.

* There was *no* Bob Hope Christmas USO Tour in Vietnam 1973 [2]
'cause Nixon had pulled US combat troops out of Vietnam the winter

* There was *no* Bob Hope Christmas USO Tour in Vietnam 1974 [3]
'cause Nixon had pulled US combat troops out of Vietnam almost two years
earlier... besides, Bob Hope didn't think he'd be welcomed in December
1974 what with Ray Haddad havin' spent August and September 1974 bombing

[1] [2] [3] Bob Hope's Military Tours:
2007-08-24 17:24:52 UTC
must be a shunned ex_girlfirend or something?
you didnt take the rip out of ginger hair or something did you Ray?
Ray Haddad
2007-08-24 20:34:56 UTC
On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 18:24:52 +0100, I said, "Pick a card, any card"
Post by Andrw
must be a shunned ex_girlfirend or something?
you didnt take the rip out of ginger hair or something did you Ray?
Perhaps she suffers from an overdose of testosterone. She refuses to
explain why she does this kind of thing.
2007-08-24 20:57:37 UTC
Post by Andrw
must be a shunned ex_girlfirend or something?
Eeeeeeew! As if! Besides--haven't you heard? He's nearly 80!
Post by Andrw
you didnt take the rip out of ginger hair or something did you Ray?


Would someone be kind to parse that? I don't have a clue what he's on
about. Pies? Is that some kind of kid-talk like your "gay sweater"

Much obliged.

Ray Haddad: "Eric, If I were you, I'd stay out of this one. In
fact, one more word from you and I will call your
your office and speak with you there. I'll tell
you over the phone all those details you think
are so hidden. Then you can scream into the
phone at me and tell me how wrong I am. That
is, of course, if you have the courage to speak
to me. Somehow, I doubt that you do.
Eric H.: " [...] Ray seems to think he's some form
of god here and everywhere and knows everything
about everything. It's time he learn he's mortal."

Ray Haddad: "Eric, Compared to you, I am a god.

"Remember, it's YOU who said this, not me. Since
when is it YOUR job to prove I am mortal to me?
Sounds like some sort of god complex to me. You
should get help before you start thinking you
can do anything you want without consequences."
Pies de Arcilla
2007-08-25 04:22:28 UTC
Post by Sylvia
Post by Andrw
must be a shunned ex_girlfirend or something?
Eeeeeeew! As if! Besides--haven't you heard? He's nearly 80!
Post by Andrw
you didnt take the rip out of ginger hair or something did you Ray?
Would someone be kind to parse that? I don't have a clue what he's on
about. Pies? Is that some kind of kid-talk like your "gay sweater"
Much obliged.
1. I'm not that young any more.
2. It sounds ukish.
3. You're at least as good at researching stuff on the Interweb as I
am, but preliminary indications are that it's somehow related to
taking the piss. Apparently, you can "take the piss out of" (someone).
4. I don't understand the redhead part of it. Maybe redheads are
supposed to be particularly mean.

But you really just wanted to know if I was reading your posts about
Ray, didn't you?
2007-08-30 07:28:49 UTC
Post by Pies de Arcilla
Post by Sylvia
Post by Andrw
must be a shunned ex_girlfirend or something?
Post by Pies de Arcilla
Post by Sylvia
Eeeeeeew! As if! Besides--haven't you heard? He's nearly 80!
Post by Pies de Arcilla
Post by Sylvia
Post by Andrw
you didnt take the rip out of ginger hair or something did you Ray?
Post by Pies de Arcilla
Post by Sylvia
Would someone be kind to parse that? I don't have a clue what he's on
about. Pies? Is that some kind of kid-talk like your "gay sweater"
Much obliged.
Post by Pies de Arcilla
1. I'm not that young any more.
Post by Pies de Arcilla
2. It sounds ukish.
I have no idea what that means either.
Post by Pies de Arcilla
3. You're at least as good at researching stuff on the Interweb as I

I don't wanna, not if someone else can just translate it.
Post by Pies de Arcilla
but preliminary indications are that it's somehow related to
taking the piss. Apparently, you can "take the piss out of" (someone).

<running comparative data..."pissed off"... "piss and vinegar"...>

Post by Pies de Arcilla
4. I don't understand the redhead part of it. Maybe redheads are
supposed to be particularly mean.
Tempers. Traditionally, redheads have, of course, fiery tempers. Damned
if I know who the redhead is supposed to be, though.
Post by Pies de Arcilla
But you really just wanted to know if I was reading your posts about
Ray, didn't you?

No, never wondered for a second. Yer the closest we've got to a kid in
our group, but, apparently, not close enough.


* * * From the (Official) MW Archives * * *

Ray Haddad: "I have succeeded in forcing you to take me seriously."

Dr Zen: "You couldn't manage that at gunpoint."

Ray Haddad: "How many links can you cut and paste into a
single article? You could corner the word
count in no time without doing any more
thinking or typing than you do here."

Sal towse: "Poor Ray. Such a sad sack you are.

"I should stop tweaking you. It's cruel.
It's laughing and pointing at someone
who can't not toss up idiocies in public."